Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Portfolio

Here is my portfolio

Monday, May 2, 2016

Start Stop Continue #4

Start Stop Continue Shark tank speech 

  • I played Japanese investor. Toyota San, multi trillionaire and monopoly owner of the Japanese automotive industry shogun, philanthropist, auto giant, owner of the Tokyo Tower, hibachi chef extraordinaire and part owner of Nintendomonopoly of the entire Japanese auto industry. monopoly owner.  born from Irish mother and African American father real estate mogul, auto giant, monopolist and the mother fucking Japanese Dan Bilzerian.  
  • My team member played each role. My team members did a great job. 
  • Creating many questions for the speech. 
  • We made our own video in this presentation. 
  • We dressed up formally.  I wore formal style suit for this speech because I played a high-status role. 
  • Jake created perfect video. He made funny, creative amazing video.  

  • I need to speak more loudly. I played the investor, so I had to be more confident. If I was doing that, our speech would be more better.  
  • I should practice more until we present the presentation. Actually I needed to practice in my part. Sometimes I was reading the script which I made because I was nervous, so I should prepare until I don't worry anything. 
  • We need to practice our group. We didn’t have many time to prepare for the presentation.  
  • I used transition word in the beginning of the speech.(Let's get started) It was useful transition. 
  • I should create my speaking part more. I should add more (fighting conversation, Humor part, and Serious part) 
  • I should act more emotionally. I spoke actually little monotone, so I need to care my voice tone and volume.  

  • I really enjoyed working in a team. We all brought different ideas to the discussion and worked together to come up with our final presentation. I also think synergy is the key to making group projects work, no one was shooting down ideas and it really helped our creative process. I think each one of us felt safe to share any idea we had. 
  • I really like this class. Zack, you taught us great speech methods. Thanks.  
  • I learned important methods from this class.  It is being confident, practice, prepare, and having passion for own topic.  

Monday, April 18, 2016

Speech 4 Rough Draft

The topic
The coupon for the couple who match by Tender. The product name is AI.

  • We introduce the product to Investor like the shark tank.
  • Showing the short video which interviews the people who use it.
  • Explain the benefit to the investor.
  • Showing the example.
  • An investor asks some question about the product.
  • Demonstrating the product.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Speech #3 Start/Stop/Continue

Eliminating private  cars. 
  • I need to consider the radical idea for my topic. I chose the topic eliminating cars but I should ask myself and friend because I need to check my topic is related to this speech or not. 
  • I should search more information about this topic. I didn't put much information because it is going to be overtime.  
  • I should give more gesture next time, I realized I didn't have any gesture along with my speech. 
  • Need to put more info for the background. 
  • I need to start to be more confident while I am doing a speech. I reviewed my speech, again and again, I realized that I don't have much face expression while I am doing the speech. Actually, I was nervous even though I practiced. 
  • I need to choose a topic I have passion. Avoid the boring topic because-because most of them are not interesting. And hard to make a speech because of lack of motivation.  
  • Speaking more slowly. I hurried to speak during my speech because I was nervous. 

  • I don't think I have a good hook for my speech. I need to grab my audience attention at the very beginning. Starting a speech by talking about something interesting. Ask a question, or use a quote to draw people in. Instead of these, I just started by greeting. 
  •  I got caught up reading off the screen 4 times on the typed slides. 
  • Avoid Looking at the floor, or anywhere where there’s no audience. As daunting as it seems pay attention to the audience. Especially to those actually paying attention, surprisingly for some reason,  
  • Visiting comm tutor for checking my speech. I visited 2 times at comm tutor and writing center to check my grammar and sentence structure. 

  • I am going to continue to make eye contact with folks while I am doing a speech.  This time, I made a good eye contact with classmates. 
  • Providing logical solutions that help my argument, providing different alternatives also helped close my speech. 
  • Understanding my topic thoroughly as it should, to gain a lot more insight. Researching, reading and quoting various articles and news sights helped a ton.    
  • Showing good research and valid sources that add to my argument. Just like in the evaluation, I also felt it really helped build my case.  
  • Addressing the problem and why it matters to me and why it should matter.  
  • Asking question to Audience to get attention. Ling used asking questions. I thought it was effective and good technic. 
  •  I don't say “UMM” or “UHH” for next speech. I said many times unnecessary words. Also, I wasted time during the speech.

 Classmate’s Moves
  •  I totally like the style of Ling speech because she directly asked question to the class, it actually caught the audience attention. Also, the question helped her speech. It quickly going to next slide. 
  • I like Sarah's speech. Sarah explains the conventions before the example can understand for them.
  • Jake showed pictures before he explained the issue and solution to understand the audience. It was an effective move. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Speech #3 Radicalism

Radical Speech #3 
Topic Eliminating cars 
  • The reason why I chose this topic is because my friend got into bad car accident. My friend hit another car when he was driving on the freeway. He got several terrible injuries, including broken his neck and arm. Also he paid lot of cost to repair his car. His accident changed my mind. Now in the U.S, 95 percent of American households have private cars. 
The Problems of owning a car 
  • Cost of car (Money) People pay for insurance, gasoline, and repairsIn California, average cost of car insurance in 2014 was $1962 per year 
  • Car accident deaths (Safety)  
  • Air Pollution (Environment)  
  • Parking and Traffic congestion (Time) 
What are the Advantages ? 
  • Saving energy  
  • Reducing car accidents 
  • Eliminating Cost of private car        (Gasoline, Insurance, and repairs) 
  • Don't need Parking space 
  • Public transportation would be on time.    
  • More resources for public transportation 
What are the Disadvantages ? 
  • Time is money 
  • Less convenience (Hard to get everywhere) 
Who has to change ? 
  • Companies  
  • Government 
  • People 
Comparison of Deaths with Transportation 
  • Car 
  • Bus 
  • Motorcycle 
  • Train 
  • Airplane 
Many people died by car. about 30,000 each year. Also, the Average number of non-fatal car crashes occur 5.4 million time each year. 
What Government have to do ? 
  • Improving and reinforcing the public transportation.(Taxi, Train, airplane and Bus) 
  • Providing low cost ticket for public transportation.   
Dangerousness and Convenience 
  • About 30,000 people died each year 
  • 4.4 million injured on U.S. roads in 2015 
  • Time is Money 
  • Convenience 
Victim and Perpetrator 
It is easy to be both side. The Car is easy to take somebody's life.  
If you hurt or  kill somebody by car accident, how much you feel guilty or suffer from guilty  and how much you have to pay for victim.   
  • Safer life 
  • Saving the earth(Everyone can be hero) 
  • Petition to make change and send to the  Government 
  • Negative car campaign (CM)