Monday, May 2, 2016

Start Stop Continue #4

Start Stop Continue Shark tank speech 

  • I played Japanese investor. Toyota San, multi trillionaire and monopoly owner of the Japanese automotive industry shogun, philanthropist, auto giant, owner of the Tokyo Tower, hibachi chef extraordinaire and part owner of Nintendomonopoly of the entire Japanese auto industry. monopoly owner.  born from Irish mother and African American father real estate mogul, auto giant, monopolist and the mother fucking Japanese Dan Bilzerian.  
  • My team member played each role. My team members did a great job. 
  • Creating many questions for the speech. 
  • We made our own video in this presentation. 
  • We dressed up formally.  I wore formal style suit for this speech because I played a high-status role. 
  • Jake created perfect video. He made funny, creative amazing video.  

  • I need to speak more loudly. I played the investor, so I had to be more confident. If I was doing that, our speech would be more better.  
  • I should practice more until we present the presentation. Actually I needed to practice in my part. Sometimes I was reading the script which I made because I was nervous, so I should prepare until I don't worry anything. 
  • We need to practice our group. We didn’t have many time to prepare for the presentation.  
  • I used transition word in the beginning of the speech.(Let's get started) It was useful transition. 
  • I should create my speaking part more. I should add more (fighting conversation, Humor part, and Serious part) 
  • I should act more emotionally. I spoke actually little monotone, so I need to care my voice tone and volume.  

  • I really enjoyed working in a team. We all brought different ideas to the discussion and worked together to come up with our final presentation. I also think synergy is the key to making group projects work, no one was shooting down ideas and it really helped our creative process. I think each one of us felt safe to share any idea we had. 
  • I really like this class. Zack, you taught us great speech methods. Thanks.  
  • I learned important methods from this class.  It is being confident, practice, prepare, and having passion for own topic.  

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