Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Second Speech/ speech genra Start, Stop,Continue

Motivational and Inspirational Speech Genra
  • Memorizing what I would say and practice more than ten times. 
  • Choosing interesting topic. I thought Motivational and inspirational speech genre were good topics for me because I had specific experience and example.  
  • Brainstorming before making draft 
  • By being concise and organize my thoughts more clearly, align my thoughts in a more precise manner· 
  • Be more vocal and not use big words that an audience might not understand (adapt language to audience needs) 
  • Next time definitely provides rebuttals and opposing perspectives, something which I completely forgot 
  • Control my body language, I use a hand gesture, which is rising fist and index finger.  
  • Be more engaging and focal with my argument 
  • To become more comfortable with me and the audience, especially the audience. 

  • Time, I finish my presentation before 5 min. My time was 4;20. I needed to do speech longer. I had to follow the rule.  
  • Using more body language. For example, pointing out object or screen.  
  • Be confident, so need to prepare perfectly before start my presentation.   
  • Avoid Looking at the floor, or anywhere where there’s no audience. As daunting as it seems pay attention to the audience. Especially to those actually paying attention, surprisingly for some reason, I felt a lot better and less nervous when looking at them. And a few of them ­—actually just one of them— showed a kind and patient face when I lost track of my speech and it really helped me gain some confidence (huge thanks). 
  • Not Showing too much nervousness when speaking, be much more confident on your proposal/pitch or idea. 
  • Jumbling my words or saying a few things awkwardly. I noticed I said certain things too early when I was supposed to say them later on and I end up saying it oddly. 
  • Blanking out, I would remember beforehand and nail it down; but once I got up there I forgot what I was going to say next and then I would keep repeating myself to remember. That’s why practice is so important. 
  • Being so nervous (though it can’t be helped), before starting speech be in a calm and collected state, in fact, I noticed it affects my pronunciation as well. I definitely should keep working on it! 
  • Being distracted beforehand and don't think too much of my presentation!  For some reason I found myself thinking of irrelevant things before my speech; such as “Did I eat anything for breakfast” or “Do I have any homework tonight”. Thoughts like that are quite distracting when I’m trying to remain calm and collected and actually process my speech beforehand. Not to mention, when I tried to pay attention to other people’s presentation but I couldn’t help but think of mine as well, and my nervousness was a bit overwhelming; I couldn’t help but rehearse some of my lines in my head.  
  • Don’t overthink my speech! Overthinking led me to repeat and cause mistakes during my speech. 
  • Losing track halfway of a speech! Maintain consistent speech. It goes back to practicing a lot more.  
  • Knowing how to use the prize. I wanted to use more technique using the prize 
  • I was using too simple phrases. I needed more specific example and detail for conventions and move's part.  
  • Making an effort throughout my whole speech, even when I had trouble. 

  • Explaining background of the argument so the audience can get the idea of what I’m trying to argue. 
  • Showing good research and valid sources that add to my argument. Just like in the evaluation, I also felt it really helped build my case. 
  • Addressing the problem and why it matters to me and why it should matter. 
  • Maintaining the speech within the time limit, something I definitely should continue. 
  • Picking relevant topics, that bring certain issues and that I genuinely enjoy and am curious about. Because of that, I feel that I showed some enthusiasm for my speech. 
  • The showing transition between words, which made my speech flow better. 
  • Actually showing how engaged or sincere I am with my speech. 
  • Quoting relevant and easy information from a trusted source to add to my argument. 
  • Making it through the parts where I lost track, quite proud of myself I actually pulled through and made it until the end, considering how incredibly nervous I was. 
  • Providing logical solutions that help my argument, providing different alternatives also helped close my speech. 
  • Understanding my topic thoroughly as it should, to gain a lot more insight. Researching, reading and quoting various articles and news sights helped a ton.  
  • Conner, he made the sound before he explainedHe shows the demonstration before he described the move to understand us.  
  • Sarah explains the conventions before the example can understand for them. 
  • Polly showed the list of the convention. Then, she showed opposite example of a short video to us to understand what server did. 

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