Monday, February 8, 2016

Start, Stop, and Continue (Elevator Pitch)

  • Writing outline more clear to tell simply. I thought some part of my speech was unclear. I felt they didn't understand.   
  • To speak more louder. I think all of classmate couldn't hear my voice. I need to speak more clear and more louder.  
  • Having more passion about the topic. I had my passion about my speech, but after I saw other classmate speech, I thought I need to search more information about it. 
  • Practicing the speech before I start. I practicing more than 20 times. I felt I need more practice before I start my speech because I couldn't say clearly. I sometimes stopped during my speech.  Also, I looked note card more than 5 times.  
  • I need to consider my main point before I write outline. I thought my main point is clear, but it isn’t. I need to ask my main point is clear or not. Then I should improve my speech.  
  • Using appropriate language. My speech was talking to Japanese Prime Minister, so I used more polite words in my speech. I should think more carefully to use polite words. For example, I want to and I would like to. I don't say "like" to respectful person. 
  • Being more specific my speech. I thought my information is specific, but I think I need to say more specific. Give more example and using more statistics. I used statistics which is population of Japan and child educational cost, but I think it doesn't effect my speech as well. I should say more good and related information and interesting thing.Having a good balance of data as well as anecdotal commentary would have made the presentation more impactful overall. 
  • Using attention getter. During my speech I didn't use attention getter because of natural conversation. However, I thought it is good way to use attention getter in Elevator Pitch.  
  • Checking grammar error. I visited Writing center before I start my speech because my English isn't good enough to say clearly. I don't tell wrong information to audience. I thought checking word error is important.  
  • I felt nervous while I did speech. Although I practiced my speech, I felt fear. Perhaps I failed  my speech. My heart beat fast and my body was shaking. I need to feel more relax and comfortable to do my best. I should practice and have more confident. If I feel nervous, I can't speak clearly and can't remember what should I say. I think nervousness isn't any good points. It just make me feel negatively.  
  • Avoid to say "umm"  I would say umm when I stopped during my speech. I think audience feel uncomfortable when I say umm or well. It gives negative expression to audience. So I should avoid to say it.  
  • Rushing through speech. I rushed my speech because I felt nervous. I tend to avoid to stay longer in front of audience. As a result, I couldn't speak clearly and I don't think everybody understand what I say.  
  • Using eye contact. I used eye contact more than 3 times. I think it is not enough to use. I should look each person's eye during speech. I didn't have margin because I felt nervous. I need to have more confident about my speech, so I didn't use eye contact.  
  • Moving and use body. I didn't use enough gesture. I set location in the elevator, so I don't need to move around the place, but I should use hand gesture to get my main point understand.  
  • Using voice tone. I think my voice tone is kind of boring because my tone is monotone. It is not up and down. I didn't emphasize my main point. I should use more it to not get bored. 
  • Making a silence. I didn't use silence during my speech because I was afraid to use it, but I think audience need brake point. Sometimes audience makes tired to hear, so get audience pay more attention by silence. 
  • Choosing good topic I have passion. First, I should think I really like the topic or not. Then I research information about it.   
  • Preparing presentation before few days ago. I memorized few part, not everything, but I think I should memorize all of it because I can use more time for hand gesture etc. 
  • Practicing many times. I need more practice before my speech. I should start before 4 or 5 days ago.   
  • Using Hand gesture and Voice tone. Next time, I will use more nonverbal body language because it support my speech as well. Also, audience make them feel fun. They don't feel bored.  
  • Saying appropriate words. I have to think carefully. I was speaking stranger, respectful person, or family. I use different word and phrase. 

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