Genre, Motivational and inspirational speech
Little League World Series Ending speech
- Introduction, Today I am going to explain the Motivational and Inspirational Speech genre.
- The reason why I chose this speech because I played baseball on a little league team. I was playing baseball from elementary school to high school. My coach is last speech was memorable and impressed me at that time. For example, when I was elementary school student, we joined a baseball competition. Then, we lost 4-5 at the last championship game, so our all team members were crying The coach told us, "We were a great team. Don't cry. We lost the game, but you guys got best friends. Life is long, keep working hard on anything like practicing baseball. Don't forget this challenge and sadness." He brought us up to the next level.
- I chose one specific example of the coach speech. The coach always uses motivational and inspiring speech.
- Pre-game, end of the game, and after practice.
- Body, Then, I am going to explain about the motivational genre.
- A Motivational and inspirational speech are energetic, supportive, loud, cheerful, optimistic, encouraging and positive. This speech usually is used pre-game, end of a game, after practicing.
- The coach rewards the best players in the game to raise a motivation. The player would have more confidence and keep high motivation. Other players would think "I also want to be admired."
- Other examples are a sales manager, captain, and teacher.
- Similarities are cheerful and supportive. For example, they would say " we can do it. and we can be successful.
- Repeat and emphasize what he wants to say
- Common phrase For example,
We can do it! I'm so proud of you! Just do it!
Good Job!! A student that you tutor got a good grade on her test
Keep up the good work. Your team won a match and everyone played well.
- Explain what is good and bad for the team.
- Why people use this speech because remove the fear and nervous.
- Moving and use the body. set location on the ground, so don't need to move around the place, but should use a hand gesture to get the coach main point understand.
- Moves Then, I am going to show you the video.
- This team lost the game 8-7. 12-10 hits. They are sitting circle.
- Using eye contact. The coach sees each player's eye and speak calm and slowly.
- Body language ( hand gesture) The coach spread his arm then show the whole group. He was half-standing on the ground because he wanted to tell his word fully.
- Facial expression, The coach's face serious, cry, and calm.
- Making the circle and hug together.
- Conclusion. In conclusion,
- I think this speech genre is very important in that situation. I still remember what coach said to us when I played baseball elementary school. He said " Don't give up" when we are losing the game.