Wednesday, January 27, 2016

About me

Hi! I'm Takayuki, I'm from Japan, and 22 years old. I have two sibling, one old brother and one old sister. I have lived for 2 years and half in only Santa Barbara.I am going to be third year student at SBCC.  I'm Communication major. After graduating, I want to be tour coordinator. I hope I will finish this degree and try to get other degree which I need for job.

Elevator pitch

 I am stuck in the elevator with Japanese Prime Minister Abe in the hotel. I would like to solve the  Declining of Birthrates. 

Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is Takayuki Hisamoto. I have been agreed what you did your policy. You fixed economy and giving more support to elderly people, but I worried about birth rate in Japan. Now population of Japan is one hundred two million, but after 30 years, it might become the population of half. Perhaps I may not see baby smile in Japan. I think in Japan is the increasingly low marriage rate among young people and the  small birthrateMost young Japanese women simply  seem hesitated in having many children because child educational cost are a lot. It cost $75000 each person from preschool to public university in Japan. I suggest that all public school is free and the government spreads childcare leave more. These cost cover rising of taxes for children. If people hesitate to have child because of economic problems, I feel sad against Japanese society. I think baby bring happiness and  baby is hope. If possible, I would like to talk about this topic for the country. This is my phone number....